EnTrade Service Design: Redefining user needs and interactions to trading nutrients across a new online marketplace
Enabling the sustainable financing and development of nature-based solutions across water catchments.
How can digital services and the creation of new markets help to stop and mitigate the effects of water quality deterioration?
Arup developed a clear and effective overview of the process required to deliver the service in the marketplace in a replicable and effective format. This service design was delivered as a living document to move with the product team as they developed further iterations of their platform, providing clarity for the problems they needed to solve for the variety of their stakeholders.
Developed the service blueprints and a live market process that could live with EnTrade as they continued to develop and build their platform. This has fed into a white-labelling of their market process for use in other water catchments across the UK and thus enabled the wide scale adoption of nature based solutions to mitigate flooding and offset negative outcomes from excess nutrients in the water cycle.
The project aim was to clarify stakeholders' interactions to trading nutrients in the online market. EnTrade’s markets are making it easier for farmers and land managers to earn money from environmental, nature-based projects on their land. while for organisations to meet their environmental goals in a timely, and cost-effective way.
The team explored as-is processes and platforms for EnTrade, identifying key user groups; establishing an understanding of the required relationships and interactions between them, resulting in the development of new service blueprint and process maps for a new trading platform service.
The development of new process maps and service blueprints connecting the supply and demand sides helped EnTrade to ideate clearer pathways to facilitate the trade of nutrient credits . This resulted in the long-term impact of enabling the financing, and development of nature-based solutions in a targeted way across water catchments, ensuring fair and equitable access for key stakeholders groups (credits buyers, land owners, suppliers, market operators, local planning authority).
Arup has continued to explore this partnership as a Venture through co-investment of time and materials.